Grandmother Kaariina Offerings
Commitment Wheel - March 3rd 6-8pm - Labyrinth at La Senda
Grandmother and Kylie will create the ceremonial space setting for the Goddess Labyrinth walk with drum, rattle and smudge starting at 3:30pm. Grandmother will then host an additional session from 6pm to 8pm to support us building community -‘ The Wheel of Committment calls once more; Committment to what; Communion within where; Communicating from what inner space?’ Grandmother Kaariina. A donation of $20 is recommended. RSVP via FACEBOOK link
March 4th to 8th. One to Ones with Grandmother Kaariina
Grandmother Kaariina will be available for one to ones of both one and two hours each; March 4 to 8th; Her CoCreactivitas is an activation portal that invites souls to retrieve gifts and aspects lost in traumatic events, including birth. "Our compassionate ancestors hold space for us to become more than our current stories boundaried by our fears!" Expect miracles as they are the natural order of the day! Grandmother Kaariina
One hour ; Karuna REIKI combined with HANDS ON. The cost of this session is $88US cash
Two hours shamanic ancestral soul retrievals plus hands on integration valued at $155usd cash.
Intake and debrief provided with both sessions
All are requested to be put on our MAIL CHIMP list and will receive our newsletter!
We also value organic fruits veggies foods and local medicine plants herbs supplements that support our health while travelling as well as local crafts as part of the exchange (note the $ value).
For more information or to book a one to one please contact Kylie via button below.
One hour ; Karuna REIKI combined with HANDS ON. The cost of this session is $88US cash
Two hours shamanic ancestral soul retrievals plus hands on integration valued at $155usd cash.
Intake and debrief provided with both sessions
All are requested to be put on our MAIL CHIMP list and will receive our newsletter!
We also value organic fruits veggies foods and local medicine plants herbs supplements that support our health while travelling as well as local crafts as part of the exchange (note the $ value).
For more information or to book a one to one please contact Kylie via button below.
March 5th - Full Moon ceremony hosted by Grandmother Kaarriina at Panacea de la Montana. 7pm to 10pm
Come , celebrate within a global community, this precious FULL MOON of the return of the light of Spring!
We will attune to all other CEREMONIES on EARTH at this TIME!~
We will welcome you at the yoga shala of Panacea des Montana, Tamarindofrom 7 to 10 pm. March 5, 2018
with una embrazo, with una amores!
Once the CIRCLE is cocreated, we will introduce ourselves with name and deep intention for this MOON of checking in
with what has now surfaced. The Brown Goddess of Cacao with maca plus our Guatamalan Blessings will be served to bring us all into the HEART of HER! We will circle around the Sacred Fire to offer our prayers and our intentions for four directions. Grandmother Kaariina holds the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge , a four pillared offering so expect that your prayers will be raised to the stars and beyond! Lastly, we will move in the silence of our fierce faiththat prayers are now received and answered! We close with the smoking of the Obsidiana Pipa from the Danza de Luna tradition! Honouring both the feminine of the bowl and the masculine of the stem! These ceremonies are potentized by the medicina of cacao and maca plus Canadian native medicinas. You are welcome to be with us, familiar or not , with ceremony for we are a Teaching Tribe!
We invite with full heart your instruments, your music, your willingness to move your prayers, your family and friends. Babies and children are more than welcome!
For the sake of all of our relations we offer these sacred teachings and this precious space for ayni to support our Travels with the Grandmothers Bundle dedicated to ending cycles of violence initiating cycles of peace!
(suggested offerings: $25usd and or organic fruits veggies gifts to the land holders or service to your community in some named form!)
Panacea de la Montana Yoga Retreat and Spa, Santa Cruz can be found on Waze or visit Panacea de la Montana site via link below.
Full Moon Ceremony folks who choose to stay overnight at Panacea de la Montana
are welcome to contact PETER at the Panacea and book a beautiful cabina to have the magic continue!
For those ready to align with the divine accords of this year, 11 numerologically,
we are offering you 3 days of possibilities while in Tamarindo
from March 2 to March 8-9th
REIKI arises from the deep desire to clear the physical body from its genetically predisposed traumas and those configurations. That trauma lives in the images embedded in the nucleus of cells.
REIKI at the Mastery level invites you to receive attunements as well as symbols that serve to transfigure the configurations into clear flowing of chi, prana, or life force. We will be offering 4 hours over three days
given the openness of the students and time space of our Team.
YOU must have level one and level two REIKI already completed or an energy medicine equivalent.
We are including the symbols for transmutation of lack and scarcity as well thanks to Dr master Sha of the Tao Calligraphy!
The course continues: we will hold on line attunements trainings and teachings with assignments for 13 months after this alignment so please feel into and discern the level of committments required.
We value these precious teachings arriving from the Medicine Buddha and Tibetan buddhism at $450usd for all three days with cocreative options for ayni or reciprocity. It will be a small group of 6 at the most
to allow for deep diving and integrations. THe ayni for the 13 months afterwards is $444usd total for monthly 3 hour sessions,. We will create this schedule together on site at Panacea de la Montana!
We will attune to all other CEREMONIES on EARTH at this TIME!~
We will welcome you at the yoga shala of Panacea des Montana, Tamarindofrom 7 to 10 pm. March 5, 2018
with una embrazo, with una amores!
Once the CIRCLE is cocreated, we will introduce ourselves with name and deep intention for this MOON of checking in
with what has now surfaced. The Brown Goddess of Cacao with maca plus our Guatamalan Blessings will be served to bring us all into the HEART of HER! We will circle around the Sacred Fire to offer our prayers and our intentions for four directions. Grandmother Kaariina holds the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge , a four pillared offering so expect that your prayers will be raised to the stars and beyond! Lastly, we will move in the silence of our fierce faiththat prayers are now received and answered! We close with the smoking of the Obsidiana Pipa from the Danza de Luna tradition! Honouring both the feminine of the bowl and the masculine of the stem! These ceremonies are potentized by the medicina of cacao and maca plus Canadian native medicinas. You are welcome to be with us, familiar or not , with ceremony for we are a Teaching Tribe!
We invite with full heart your instruments, your music, your willingness to move your prayers, your family and friends. Babies and children are more than welcome!
For the sake of all of our relations we offer these sacred teachings and this precious space for ayni to support our Travels with the Grandmothers Bundle dedicated to ending cycles of violence initiating cycles of peace!
(suggested offerings: $25usd and or organic fruits veggies gifts to the land holders or service to your community in some named form!)
Panacea de la Montana Yoga Retreat and Spa, Santa Cruz can be found on Waze or visit Panacea de la Montana site via link below.
Full Moon Ceremony folks who choose to stay overnight at Panacea de la Montana
are welcome to contact PETER at the Panacea and book a beautiful cabina to have the magic continue!
For those ready to align with the divine accords of this year, 11 numerologically,
we are offering you 3 days of possibilities while in Tamarindo
from March 2 to March 8-9th
REIKI arises from the deep desire to clear the physical body from its genetically predisposed traumas and those configurations. That trauma lives in the images embedded in the nucleus of cells.
REIKI at the Mastery level invites you to receive attunements as well as symbols that serve to transfigure the configurations into clear flowing of chi, prana, or life force. We will be offering 4 hours over three days
given the openness of the students and time space of our Team.
YOU must have level one and level two REIKI already completed or an energy medicine equivalent.
We are including the symbols for transmutation of lack and scarcity as well thanks to Dr master Sha of the Tao Calligraphy!
The course continues: we will hold on line attunements trainings and teachings with assignments for 13 months after this alignment so please feel into and discern the level of committments required.
We value these precious teachings arriving from the Medicine Buddha and Tibetan buddhism at $450usd for all three days with cocreative options for ayni or reciprocity. It will be a small group of 6 at the most
to allow for deep diving and integrations. THe ayni for the 13 months afterwards is $444usd total for monthly 3 hour sessions,. We will create this schedule together on site at Panacea de la Montana!