Livin’ Fully approach is designed for women, to empower women to make lasting positive change enabling them to lead more strongly while living in alignment. Livin’ Fully is a holistic – integrated personal and professional- approach to development with an active and experiential approach to learning.
Builds Awareness to Inspire: Recognizing the challenges and the environment that women face today, the Livin’ Fully approach inspires women to join the discussion.
Offers a Platform to Motivate:
Includes a Process and Practices to achieve lasting change.
The Livin’ Fully approach guides women through a process to:
Offers a Platform to Motivate:
- The Livin’ Fully philosophy starts with the premise women have professional skills that can be more effectively leveraged define their true self, their mission.
- The second premise is that women have shared and personal strengths that, once uncovered and honed, can be powerfully leveraged to grow their leadership.
- The third premise is that women want to learn, develop, grow as leaders - to live fulfilling lives.
Includes a Process and Practices to achieve lasting change.
The Livin’ Fully approach guides women through a process to:
- Define their truth; through articulation of their values, their strengths, their personal brand, their mission and leadership aspirations
- Support them in crafting meaningful goals and action plans and support them in competency building
- Provide guidance to build a custom practice to activate consistent behaviors that lead to meaningful and lasting change.